Mahogany Obsidian Blade with Deer Jaw Handle
Flint Ridge
Buffalo River
Jafar Jasper
Texas Flint
Burlington Chert
Moss Agate
Petrified Coral
Dacite Blade with Goat Horn Handle
Novaculite (Black)
Flint Ridge Blades with Deer Jaw Handles
Rainy Buttes
Agate and Obsidian
Novaculite (Black)
Flint Ridge
Novaculite (Patinated) Otzi Inspired
Flint Ridge Otzi Inspired
Rainy Buttes
Obsidian with Coyote Jaw / Flint Ridge with Deer Leg
Novaculite (Black) Otzi Inspired
Obsidian - Game of Thrones Dragonglass Inspired
Obsidian - Kabar Inspired (Gift for Retiring Marine)
Flint Ridge
Buffalo River
Novaculite (Black/White)
Watch a YouTube Video of the Construction of this Knife
Watch a YouTube Video of the Construction of this Knife
Flint Ridge - Our First Otzi Inspired Knife - By Customer Request
This Otzi Inspired Knife was made for one of our customer's...
He fashioned a unique gift box for the knife and attached this short memo on the inside of the lid.

It reads:

THE SPIRIT OF OTZI KNIFE:  5000 rears ago a traveler was buried in a snow storm in the Otztal Alps..... In 1991 he was found. With him was a small stone blade knife with a wooden handle, a tool this ancient man used daily for survival. This new knife, envisioned by Dr. Curtis Pack and fashioned by Seneca Flintworks was created to pay homage to this ancient brother to us all. This blade is hand knapped from flint bound to a wooden handle of 70 year old WV barn pitch pine. It is marked with the patterns of tattoos found on Otzi's body, thought to represent mystical healing symbols. The case is constructed from old growth rough sawn WV walnut lined with deer skin. Enjoy your "Spirit of Otzi" knife as you dwell on the possibilities of your own adventure!
Ocean Wave Agate
Ocean Wave Agate
Novaculite (Black/White)
Texas Root Beer
Petrified Coral
Petrified Coral
Mookite Jasper
Flint Ridge with Cow Leg Bone
Novaculite (Black)
Petrified Coral
Cobalt Blue Glass
Collection of Deer Leg Daggers
Collection of Deer Leg Daggers
Cobalt Blue Glass
Texas Pedernales
Texas Georgetown with Goat Horn in Display Case
Primitive Knife Collection
Red Glass with Wood Handle
Novaculite with Wood Handle
Mahogany Obsidian with Tine Handle
Obsidian with Coyote Jaw Handle
Camo Glass with Cholla Cactus Handle
Mahogany Obsidian and Buffalo River
Hornstone with Deer Jaw
Texas Pedernales Pair
Novaculite (Black/White)
Deer Leg and Jaw Bone Collection
Primitive Knife Collection with Bear Jaw and Antlers
Flint Ridge with Deer Jaw Handle
Obsidian with Deer Jaw Handle
Primitive Knives Gallery  
Primitive Knives
Dream Catchers
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Gallery Links
Mahogany Obsidian
Novaculite and Keokuk Pair with Beaver Jaw Handles
Obsidian with Bear Jaw in Display Case
Petrified Coral - White
Novaculite - Black
Texas Pedernales Flint
Flint Ridge
Glass - Cobalt Blue
Glass - Agua
Nethers Flint Ridge with Bear Jaw Handle
Texas Flint