December 21st, 2019
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Mark finds a killer Notched Sogger... A beveled (and water-worn) Lost Lake Style
November 2nd, 2019
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
An interesting hunt with a change of pace... In addition to a killer corner notched point, Mark finds a rare old coin right on top of the rock bar.
August 17th, 2019   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Putnam County, West Virginia
The Green Mile Site
Our first hunt on this newly discovered site... Extreme potential here... Several nice finds including a nice corner notched point, a keeper nutting stone and ripper of a Kirk Stemmed Point!
March 7th, 2020   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Green Mile and Boneyard Sites
Putnam County, West Virginia
This new site continues to pay off... Nelson pulls a notched Sogger point early in the hunt. We believe it to be a heavily resharpened Lost Lake Style.
2020 Videos
Video Library
Welcome to our Video Library...
Below is a list of our YouTube videos... The videos are organized by date and our favorite finds are clearly noted in red.
2019 Videos
April 6th, 2019   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Putnam County, West Virginia
Highway 420 Site
The Satisfaction Reaction Cam came out early on this hunt... Nelson kiilled it with an awesome Lost Lake Find! Definitely worthy of a "Favorites" Video.
July 27th, 2019
Mason County, West Virginia
Farmageddon Site
A really hot day that made us quit a little early but we found some really nice artifacts including a well-made Madison point and a killer Big Sandy
June 22nd, 2019
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Not the most productive hunt but we found some nice artifacts including some heart-breaker broken tips.
March 30th, 2019
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Nelson pulls a nice point right from Mark's footprint and Mark finds a nice Drill form. A productive hunt all-around.
February 16th, 2019
Putnam County, West Virginia
Highway 420 Site
This video was only one ear away from making it to the "Favorite Finds" category. Nelson pulls a ripper Expanded Base Thebes Heartbreaker with (Unfortunate) minor base damage. It looks good in the case anyway.
March 2nd, 2019
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
A very productive hunt.... Nelson pulls a Buck Creek from the water... Also found were a Big Sandy and Kirk.
February 2nd, 2019
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
On our first hunt of 2019, there was enough ice to sink a steamship but it didnt stop Mark from pulling a nice McCorkle style point. A productive Hunt...!
2018 Videos
December 8th, 2018
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
After a couple months of poor conditions and no points, the creeks decided to give us good conditions and a few nice pulls.
October 13th, 2018
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
An extremely productive hunt including a (believed to be) Jasper Kirk Stemmed point, a killer Big Sandy Expanded Base point and a notched Drill form.
September 22nd, 2018
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Several nice artifacts on this hunt including a Kirk Corner Notched point and a few other small points.
August 25th, 2018
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Another Guest with us on this hunt... We found several nice artifacts including an odd Carter Cave Drill form and the thinnest point Mark has in his collection.
August 4th, 2018
Putnam County, West Virginia
Highway 420 Site
We had a guest joining us on this hunt... Despite poor conditions, we did manage to pull a few artifacts. Our guest pulls the point of the day with a very well made Madison Style.
July 7th, 2018
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Nelson has the find of the day with a large stemmed blade... we aslo pulled a couple of nice Madisons and Kirk Styles.
June 9th, 2018
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
A very productive hunt... Mark pulls a rare Merkle point. Also found were a nice thin Madison style and an early stemmed point. A camera failure killed the possibility of a wrap-up segment on this hunt.
June 2nd, 2018
Mason County, West Virginia
Farmageddon Site
An extremely hot day.! This site gives up a killer 4" knife blade! Also found were a nice corner notch and Madison Style.
April 21st, 2018   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Putnam County, West Virginia
Highway 420 Site
Definitely worth of a "Favorites" video... Nelson pulls a killer Ohio Double Notch near the end of the hunt... Earlier he found a really nice LeCroy Style...
March 3rd, 2018   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Blitzkriek and Farmageddon Sites
Mark pulls a Sogger of a Buck Creek Style point... Also pulled was a nice Stemmed Adena Style.
February 3rd, 2018
Mason County, West Virginia
Pecka Site
We were invited by a friend to hunt with him on one of his favortie sites... Nelson pulls an insane Drill from the creek. Overall a good day with several finds by all of us.
January 27th, 2018
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
The kick-off hunt of the 2018 season... Not a bad start. Mark pulls a nice snapped base style and a small solid white stemmed style.
2017 Videos
November 11th, 2017
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
We found 2 real nice stemmed points and a killer Madison.
August 19th, 2017
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Nelson pulled a really nice T-Style Drill form early in the hunt... Mark scores a cool Kirk style.
July 29th, 2017   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
An insane good hunt worthy of a Favorites rating... Mark pulls a screamer Hopewell notched sogger early in the hunt! Also found were several other nice points and a keeper nutting stone.
July 8th, 2017   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Even though conditions were bad on this hunt, we found some nice items including a knife blade early in the hunt, a sweet Madison and a killer Carter Cave Greenbriar Dalton style! Mark also found a rare Decatur broke.
July 1st, 2017   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
This hunt was one for our record books... Mark scores a stunning deep notched Thebes point with an insane bevel and a perfect winged Pine Tree point... Nelson manages a nice (sad) broken Snake style blade.
June 17th, 2017   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
A Favorites video if we have ever seen one... Mark pulls a burner of a steep beveled Lost Lake Style. (A definite center piece)... Also found were other Kirk Styles worthy of the case and a keeper Nutting Stone.
April 29th, 2017
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Mark pulls a magnum Adena Stemmed point and an absolute perfect little serrated Madison Style... (One of the best we have seen...)
April 8th, 2017
Mason County, West Virginia
Farmageddon Site
A relatively short hunt but Mark pulls a smoker Drill form and a small Big Sandy point. Also a couple of Nutting Stones worthy of a haul came out.
March 25th, 2017   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Putnam County, West Virginia
Highway 420 Site
This ranks as one of our best hunts on this site. Mark pulls a killer Big Sandy point and Nelson kills it with a 4"+ long ripper. A stellar hunt...!
March 4th, 2017
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
A slow start on this hunt but it eventually took a turn in the right direction. We found 2 nice Kirks and a killer Stemmed Adena.
February 4th, 2017   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Farmageddon Site
A "Must See" hunt...! Nelson scored his first Expanded Base E-Notch Thebes on this hunt! Worthy of a Favorites category.
January 28th, 2017
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Our first finds of the 2017 season...! Mark finds a nice Stemmed point.
2016 Videos
December 10th, 2016
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
The conditions were bad and it was extremely cold but we managed a few nice artifacts.
October 1st, 2016
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
We found a few nice points and one really ugly one...
August 20th, 2016
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
A very productive hunt with a couple of nice knife blades and a killer nutting stone with 25 pots in it..!
July 9th, 2016
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
In addition to a few nice points, Nelson pulls a ripper knife blade off the creek today... Mark finds an interesting blunt style. We also got an odd fossil on this hunt.
July 2nd, 2016
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
We had a guest with us on this hunt today... All of us found some nice artifacts and our guest lugged a ton of Nutting Stones from the creek.
June 18th, 2016
Mason County, West Virginia
Pecka Site
A friend invited us to hunt with him at one of his sites... It was a killer day with over a dozen good finds... Mark finds a nice Flint Ridge point.
June 4th, 2016   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
A short hunt due to the weather but Mark pulls a killer little Kirk Corner Notched point made from high quality Carter Cave material.
April 23rd, 2016   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Farmageddon Site
Nelson scores the find of the day with a ripper corner notched point... Extremely thin and still quite sharp. A point worthy of a "Favorites" rating
March 26th, 2016
Gallia County, Ohio
Montgomery Shelter Site
A friend invited us to dig a shelter on his property... One of the funnest outings we have had... All of us pulled artifacts from the sifter on this hunt.
February 20th, 2016
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Only a few points on this trip but Nelson pulls a nice knife blade. We also hauled out a few Nutting Stones worthy of lugging back.
February 6th, 2016   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
An insane pull on this hunt... Mark pulls a magnum Jasper Stemmed Adena style point... Nelson scores a nice 2-fer. This vid is worthy of a "Favorites" rating.
January 9th, 2016
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Our first finds of the 2016 season... Nelson pulled a small collection of Nutting Stones... Mark scores a cool used up Big Sandy Jasper point and a Snapped Base Stemmed point.
2015 Videos
December 12th, 2015   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
An extremely productive day... Mark pulls a killer notched point and a nice Carter Cave knife blade. He also pulls a rare stone disk. Nelson finds (what would have been) an awesome Pine Tree point. Shame it was damaged.
October 10th, 2015
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Not the greatest of finds today but we had a great time... A few nice points came out for us on this hunt.
August 15th, 2015   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Farmageddon Sites
Nelson pulls a ripper Kirk Serrated Point worthy of a "Favorites" rating.. He also scored a killer knife blade.
August 1st, 2015   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
An insane good hunt today...! Mark pulls a couple of smokers including a steep beveled notched sogger. He also finds a screamer Adena Stemmed style point. We managed a couple of keeper Nutting stones also.
July 18th, 2015
Mason County, West Virginia
Blitzkriek Site
The small points were out on this hunt... We found a few bird points.
June 13th, 2015
Putnam County, West Virginia
Highway 420 Site
A couple of nice Stemmed Style points on this hunt... We also show a couple of other artifacts from our collections.
Mason County, West Virginia
Blitzkriek Site
Nelson pulls a rare Square Knife on this outing... Mark also pulls a burner Knife blade made from interesting material...! This one makes it to the "Favorites" category.
April 18th, 2015   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Nelson scores the find of the day with a ripper Adena Stemmed point! Extremely well made!
March 28th, 2015   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Finally...! Mark pulls his first Paleo Fluted Clovis style point... Even with some damage, it's a really nice find that will make it to the "Favorites" category.
March 21st, 2015
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
A few points today and a mystery artifact.
February 7th, 2015
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Mark pulls a killer Motley style point from the water... Sad it had minor tip damage. We also scored a large multi-pot Nutting Stone.
January 31st, 2015
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Farmageddon Sites
A weak hunt today but Nelson found a cool small quartzite point.
January 3rd, 2015   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Putnam County, West Virginia
Highway 420 Site
Our invited guest burns us today with an absolute smoker Thebes style point... The nicest relic we have seen come off of this site to date.!
January 1st, 2015
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Our first hunt of the 2015 season got us a few items for the ancient toolbox... It also landed Nelson a nice speeding ticket on the way home.!
2014 Videos
December 27th, 2014
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
An extremely nice flint axe head comes out of the creek on this hunt. Along with a killer Madison Style and a fossil encrusted bifurcated point.
October 25th 2014
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Mark pulls a killer little Jack's Reef style point.
September 6th, 2014
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Mark pulls a killer long side notched piece and an interesting point with a fashioned engraver style tip. Rare find indeed...
July 26th, 2014   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Mark finds a stellar Thebes style point worth of a "Favorites" rating.
June 28th, 2014   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Mark pulls a nice stemmed style point and Nelson scores the find that make this video a "Favorite"... He pulls his first Grooved Axe. (At least the makings of one.)
May 31st, 2014   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Mark scores a sweet Dovetail made from Kentucky Carter Flint...! A burner..!
May 3rd, 2014
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Several nice points came out today including a couple of sweet Madison style points but Nelson kills it with a wicked serrated point! We believe it may be a Pine Tree style.
March 22nd, 2014
Mason County, West Virginia
Farmageddon, Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
A good hunt today at multiple sites... Several points were found today along with a nice knife blade... Mark scores a sweet little Thebes style.
March 1st, 2014
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
Nelson pulls a killer little Madison Style point... Kentucky Carter flint.
February 22nd, 2014
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Not a bad day... Mark pulls a nice Adena stemmed style and a Kirk... Nelson scores a mystery Hematite artifact.
January 11th, 2020
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Mason County, West Virginia
Our first finds of 2020. Even though this hunt was cut short due to a roaring rain storm, Mark found a killer Drill (Auger) and the smallest serrated Madison he has in his collection.
2013 Videos
December 28th, 2013
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Mark finds a killer Kirk style point and Nelson scores a sad broken stone Celt.
December 21st, 2013
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
A few points worthy of a video today including a sweet little bird point.
October 5th, 2013
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse Site
We decided to dig one of our favorite rock bars today and with much agony, it payed off... Mark finds a killer Kirk Stemmed Serrated point and Nelson scores a nice point made from Flint Ridge flint.
September 7th, 2013
Putnam County, West Virginia
Highway 420 Sites
The hunt that gave Highway 420 its name... Mark finds a cool snapped base style point... We also landed a nice flint tool.
August 17th, 2013   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Farmageddon, Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
An extremely long day but the stemmed style points were out in force... Mark finds a stellar Adena Stemmed point worthy of a "Favorites" rating.
July 27th, 2013
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse, Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
We covered alot of ground today... We hit 3 sites. An extemely productive day with several nice finds including a rare Square Knife.
June 22nd, 2013   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Farmageddon Sites
A short day with intense heat.. but that didnt stop the creeks from giving up some nice relics... Mark scores a cool Hematite ground Axe form and Nelson pulls a killer Hopewell style point.
June 8th, 2013   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
A MUST SEE hunt... Mark scores a beauty of a Lost Lake Fishtail style point and Nelson follows up with a stellar Lake of his own... Definitely one of our best hunts!
April 20th, 2013
Mason and Putnam Counties, West Virginia
Putnam Field, Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
A pretty good haul today after hitting a few different sites. Mark finds a killer little Madison Style point.
April 6th, 2013
Mason and Putnam Counties, West Virginia
Farmageddon and Putnam Field Sites
After scoring a few nice points from the creeks, we hit a local field site. Nelson scores a wicked serrated Amos style point and Mark lands a couple of nice Stemmers.
March 30th, 2013   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store and Madison Avenue Sites
A hunt worthy of the "Favorites" category... Mark finds a pounder Big Sandy Broad Base point... Nelson scores a killer little Stone Celt.
March 10th, 2013
Putnam County, West Virginia
Highway 420 Sites
A prductive hunt with several nice finds... Mark scores a perfect little bifurcated LeCroy style.
March 2nd, 2013
Mason County, West Virginia
Farmageddon, Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
It was snowing some during this hunt but it didnt stop us from pulling a few killer relics... Nelson finds a nice two-tone Hardaway style.
February 23rd, 2013   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Company Store Sites
A great hunt today... Mark pulls a killer Quartzite Axe Head and s smoker little Jacks Reef point.
January 29th, 2013
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store Site
Even with high water, Nelson pulls a smoker side notched piece... He also finds a nice Drill form.
January 27th, 2013
Mason County, West Virginia
Company Store Site
Our first hunt on the Company Store site.... Conditions were bad with snow and ice but we found a few burners including a nice knife blade, a winged Kanawha style and a killer long-stemmed Adena point.
January 12th, 2013   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason and Putnam Counties, West Virginia
Farmageddon, Ed's Outhouse and Putnam Field Sites
An insane good hunt.. Nelson pulls a smoker Benton style point from a small feeder creek... He also scores a perfect knife blade that had just fallen from the wall of the creek. The field didnt do too bad either.
January 5th, 2013
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse and Blitzkriek Sites
Our first hunt of the 2013 season... Mark pulls a couple of nice knife blades including a killer Cresent Style... Watch this video and see how the Ed's Outhouse site got its name.
2012 Videos
November 18th, 2012   FAVORITE FIND VIDEO
Mason County, West Virginia
Ed's Outhouse Site
Nelson scores a smoker Meadowood Style point...! Our first video worthy of a "Favorites" rating.
November 7th, 2012
Meigs County, Ohio
Field Site
The very first Seneca Relics upload... We hunted a field site in Meigs County, Ohio... This short video was the start of our YouTube venture.