Welcome to our Methods Page...
Positive Frame of Mind
Will miss items if miserable
Zig Zag - Multiple fields of view / vantage points
Multiple passes on Rock bars
Go Slow
Point Blind
Frequent Breaks
Macro Scan before the Micro Scan
Water Hunting... Treat shallow water like rock bar
Look for obvious shapes/colors/edges/texture -something that doesnt belong
Flint types and signs... Evidence
Take a buddy... fun / extra eyes / Overlapping field of fire
Check the smalles flake - roll it over - Check all flint
Dont neglect the creek walls and Erosion areas
Shuffling of the deck
Knowing good entrance and exit points

Things to avoid
Dangerous water
Dangerous navigation
Dead falls and rat holes
Wildlife - animal life / snakes - raging bulls
Hunting areas during deer season - Make them mad or careless hunters can fire on you