Welcome to our Display Page...
No cigar boxes or shoeboxes under the bed or coffee cans, junk drawers.
Keep them all in one place
Dont alter your points - Dont think you can fix a broke
cleaning atifacts
No nutting stones in your rock garden - pile of sand

Secure your points in a designated pocket when hunting
You could lose them.
Make sure you pouch is good.. Inspect regularly for stitch flaws or broken zippers

Dryer will sound like its full of marbles.
Nothing worse than hearing the sound of marbles in your dryer then you think... oh my God, where is my thebes.?

Dont etch information on your artifacts

Display cases
points secure - no movement
Display is subjective and ok in any arrangement
Locking cases

Beware of theft - The world is full of people wanting to take you stuff... just to make a buck.

Access - Home or safe.. No storage building
Manageablle number of artifacts per case
Children playing wiht them - last thousands of years before and to come but can be destroyed by a 4 year old in seconds

Dont leave them in your pocket to run in the spin cycle or the drying machine

Case contamination - No mixture of fakes with modern
One faker will cause everything to be in question

Serrations are fragile

People display by year, site, point type

Use a good case... Avoid cardboard crap
Attractive display adds appeal